Waste of Steam
An OpenUI5-based Steam Explorer - Live Hosting
This was a project born from a "Design and Build your own Fiori App" OpenSAP course, that got a little out of hand. Enter your Steam number and explore some statistics about your Steam usage.
The project uses Firebase Hosting as well as Firebase Cloud Functions to act as a proxy to the Steam Rest API.
Speedlanes, the QR Code Reader - Live Hosting - GitHub
This application was created in pure fury for my workplace. We recently had "speedlane" gates installed for security that use a QR code to gain entry, and were told to store the QR code on our phones. The app that we had took too many taps and swipes to access one QR code for my liking, so I built my own creaky one instead.
Speedlanes is a Progressive Web App (PWA) that can be added to the homescreens of Android devices, and has full offline support.